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Family Dental
Cosmetic & General Dentistry

152 N wellwood Ave, Lindenhurst NY

Same Day Emergency Treatment
There’s nothing worse than having an unexpected dental emergency that ruins your day! It can happen anytime, anywhere, when you least expect it, and if you decide to wait and not get immediate attention for it, further damage may occur. Our dentists can treat your dental emergency the same day—even on Saturdays.
Our dentists and knowledgeable staff are well-equipped to handle any dental emergency you may have. They are here for you! The first thing he will do when you come in is listen to your concerns and examine your mouth to accurately identify the problem. If you are in pain, he will address that first. Once he identifies the problem, he will determine the proper treatment that you need.
Our dentist will do an exam focusing on the problem area to identify your problem and find the best solution for it.
Low-radiation digital X-rays are taken to see inside the tooth’s structure, giving our dentists a clear and complete view of what the problem is.
Your treatment for your dental emergency begins that same day to relieve you of your pain and fix any problem which may require a root canal, extraction, fillings replaced, or a crown to restore a tooth’s structure
In an Emergency
Focus on stopping the bleeding and protecting the injured tooth or area by following the appropriate instructions in this section.
Injuries to your teeth and gums can result in infection or other complications -- so make sure you see your Dentist.
If your emergency is life-threatening, dial 911 for Emergency Medical Services or go immediately to a hospital emergency room.
Severe Pain
The most common causes are debris lodged under the gum line, a lost filling or crown, a cracked or broken tooth, or an infection.
Only a thorough examination by your Dentist can determine the underlying cause of severe pain.
Until you see your Dentist, apply ice to the painful area for 10-20 minutes of every hour.
To alleviate pain, take acetaminophen as directed on the packaging label.
Possible Broken Jaw
Do not move your jaw. Secure your jaw in place with a handkerchief, necktie, or towel tied around the jaw and over the top of the head. Use cold compresses to reduce swelling.
Go to the emergency room immediately.
Knocked-Out Baby Tooth
Call your dentist right away. If the child's baby tooth is completely knocked out, chances are it cannot be re-implanted. If this happens, the missing tooth will be replaced naturally when the child's permanent (adult) tooth grows in.
Knocked Out Permanent (Adult) Tooth
You have a 1-2 hour window in which your tooth has a chance for re-implantation - only your Dentist can tell you for sure. Take the following steps and see your Dentist right away. Remember to take your protected tooth with you.
For the Injured Person:
Rinse your mouth with warm water to clean it. Apply gauze to the area and use firm pressure to stop the bleeding. Try to find the missing tooth right away.
When the bleeding stops, apply a cold compress to the injured area to minimize swelling. If bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes of constant, firm pressure, see your dentist or go to the emergency room.
Place the tooth in a small container and cover it with milk, water with a pinch of salt, or saliva from the injured person.
The broken tooth:
Hold the tooth only by its crown (the enamel, visible portion).
If the tooth or root is dirty, place a towel or dishcloth in a sink (so the tooth cannot fall into the drain), and gently rinse the tooth and root but DO NOT SCRUB it or remove any gum tissue that may still be attached to the root.
If possible, gently place the tooth back into its gum socket facing the correct direction (making sure that you do not force the tooth back in place).
If this is not possible, place the tooth in a small container and cover the tooth in milk, water with a pinch of salt, or saliva from the injured person.
Lost Filling or Crown
Schedule an appointment with your dentist. You can relieve pain caused by air in contact with the exposed part of your tooth by using clove oil (available over-the-counter in pharmacies and supermarkets).
Just dip a cotton swab in clove oil and apply it to the exposed part of your tooth. Putting an ice pack on your face over the area that hurts also may relieve the pain.